Please download our statement, fill it in and return it to us either by post or fax. (Telefax: +36-1-488-1000)
Top up premium payment
If you only have a few months or 1 or 2 years to achieve your short-term savings goals, the solution is top-up payment!

What do we offer?

How can you make your top-up payments?
Life Programs
Life Programs - Euro
Care Programs
Life Programs
If you use our Client Portal services, you can also send us your top-up payment mandates via the Internet.
You can make your top-up payments to this account:
OTP Bank Nyrt.:
If you require further information, please contact your consultant or call any of the following telephone numbers; our colleagues are at your disposal: +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421.
Life Programs - Euro
Please download our statement, fill it in and return it to us either by post or fax. (Telefax: +36-1-488-1000)
If you use our Client Portal services, you can also send us your top-up payment mandates via the Internet.
You can make your top-up payments to this account:
OTP Bank Nyrt:
IBAN: HU23 1176 3945 0370 0888 0000 0000
Care Programs
Please download our statement, fill it in and return it to us either by post or fax. (Telefax: +36-1-488-1000)
If you use our Client Portal services, you can also send us your top-up payment mandates via the Internet.
You can make your top-up payments to this account:
OTP Bank Nyrt.:
If you require further information, please contact your consultant or call any of the following telephone numbers; our colleagues are at your disposal: +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421.

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