Please update or replace your data before the anniversary for a more favorable MTPL premium.

Why choose Allianz MyCar Comfort package?

*The additional coverages to the compulsory motor third party liability insurance are only free of charge in the MyCar Comfort package, if a larger package is chosen, it can be used for a fee.
Motor third-party liability insurance – with a quick and easy process to report claims
Want to notify or get claim updates?
Do you need insurance for other type of vehicle instead of passenger car?
Allianz motor third-party liability insurance Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The e-product provides digital services (electronic communication via the Allianz Customer Portal, notifications sent to e-mail addresses and mobile phone numbers, online claims reporting and inspections).
If you provide your own e-mail address and mobile phone number we will send the documents related to your contract to the e-mail address you provided or make them available to you via the Allianz Customer Portal.
You can take care of the tasks related to your insurance online, quickly and comfortably through the Allianz Customer Portal, and you will be notified by SMS of important tasks related to your contract, so you can keep up-to-date with your insurance.
You can change your contract to an e-product on the Customer Portal or our website, with our employees working at the telephone customer contact point, our agents, or our broker partners.
If you conclude a contract as a natural person and still wish to choose traditional postal communication without providing e-mail address and/or mobile phone number, you can do so by calling our Contact Center: +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421.
All of our clients who have an e-product can register for the Allianz Client portal. Registration for the Client portal can be initiated by providing the policy number, an e-mail address and the mobile telephone number provided by the policyholder during the conclusion of the e-product.
Policyholders can view the details of their insurance contracts and perform certain actions through the Client portal (including online payment by card, amending data, and downloading and requesting documents related to the contracts).
The discount applies if all of the following conditions are met:
At the beginning of the actual insurance period of the MTPL, the contractor has a valid contract for one of the followings with Allianz Hungária Zrt:
valid home insurance or one of the following life or health insurances: Allianz Life Programs (HUF/EUR) with regular premium or an Allianz Health Program or a comprehensive Allianz Autóm Casco (including insurance coverages for natural catastrophes, theft and breakage); or comprehensive Allianz Casco contract of insurance type 252 (including insurance coverages for natural catastrophes, theft and breakage); or comprehensive Allianz MyCar motor insurance contract (including insurance coverages for natural catastrophes, theft and breakage) (only in the case of Max package).
Please note that we can consider only one home or life, health or casco insurance contract in respect of the discount for your new MTPL contract, and the discount can only be applied to one MTPL contract based on the same home or life or casco insurance.
The discount is of an indefinite term, and it does not apply to veteran or fleet passenger vehicles.
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