What does retirement insurance include?
Allianz Life Program with Pension Clause
Allianz Bonus Life Program with Pension Clause
Allianz Life Program Euro with Pension Clause, Allianz Bonus Life Program Euro with Pension Clause
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Retirement Insurance - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Pension insurance helps to lay the foundation for carefree retirement years by providing a pension insurance service in the case of the following insured events.
- the insured person becomes entitled to pension in their own right according to the law on social security pension (retires); or
- the insured person’s health is impaired at least to a degree of 40%, provided that, at the time of the conclusion of the pension insurance contract, the health impairment of the primary insured person did not reach 40%; or
- the insured person reaches the general retirement age applicable to them at the time of the conclusion of the pension contract.
Lump sum services can be provided in the following cases:
- If the beneficiary claims the service due to a health impairment of more than 40%.
- If, pursuant to Section 89(8) of Act CXVII of 1995 on Personal Income Tax, the monthly amount of the pension insurance allowance does not reach the statutory amount (HUF 5,000 in the case of contracts concluded after 31 December 2016, and HUF 10,000 in the case of contracts concluded before that).
A 20% tax credit of a maximum HUF 130,000 is available for the (regular, top-up and single) premiums paid for the contract. Even a total annual tax credit of HUF 280,000 can be achieved in the case of pension insurance, retirement savings accounts (RSA) and voluntary pension fund payments, but no tax relief is available for the costs (fees) of risk insurance.
The tax relief is credited to the pension insurance contract. It corresponds to 20% of the annually paid premiums but cannot exceed HUF 130,000.
Our target date Funds (for HUF based Life Programs CDA, CDB, CDC, CDD, CDE, CDF, CDG, for EUR based Life Programs CEC, CED, CEE) are especially suitable for the investment of retirement savings, since the proportion of risky investments in the Fund decreases as the target date approaches. In addition to this, for the implementation of your investment plans, you can also select the options that are the most suitable for you from the extensive Funds we offer. The Allianz Life Programs with a pension clause offer various Funds that can be individually compiled, among which all common fund types are available.
Your choice of Fund depends on your risk appetite. You as the Policyholder are entitled to choose from the different Funds. The investment risk is also borne by you as the Policyholder.
You can also include your ad hoc extra income in the contract, even for a short term, by paying a top-up premium.
We provide the following to you regarding top-up premiums:
· Wide range of asset Funds
· Free switching between Funds
· Competitive returns.
· We provide all this in a cost-effective manner, since only a 1.19% fund management/asset-proportionate cost will be charged on the amount invested by you.
If you choose a Life Program with a pension clause, you can change both your investments and your insurance protection during the term, taking the restrictions into consideration. To ensure that you make responsible and effective decisions, your financial consultant will be at your disposal throughout the term.
Regarding your savings,
· you can choose a new fund distribution for your investments at any time;
· you can profitably invest larger one-time amounts at any time in addition to your regular savings;
· you can also invest your top-up and regular savings according to different fund distributions.
Regarding your insurance,
· you can extend the insurance protection to someone who is important to you;
· you can change the insurance protection according to your current life situation;
· you can increase or reduce the sums insured.
Please note that, for contracts concluded after 31 December 2016, the above amendments concerning the insurance protection can be initiated from the second year of the insurance term.
Please also note that the cost of insurance protection, i.e. the additional insurance coverage chosen by the policyholder, is deducted from the unit account, which reduces the savings for retirement.Contracts concluded before that can be amended at any time during their term. For information about amendment options, please click here.
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