Supplementary insurances to the Life Programs, Life Programs—Euro and Care Programs
The need for supplementary insurances depends on the life situation. With support from our consultants, you can customise your necessary insurance protection, by taking the specified supplementary insurance products into account.
Life Programs
Life Programs - Euro
Care Programs
If, due to a disease or an accident, you suffer health-related harm that leads to surgical intervention, the insurer will pay you the amount determined in the contract according to the extent of the surgery. This amount could cover the extra costs of hospital stay and/or replace missing incomes.
You can insure multiple people and choose from the listed insurance coverages for your spouse or child, as well.
medical care supplementary insurance is available for the regular-premium Allianz Life Program contract. The benefit covers outpatient specialised care, laboratory tests and imaging and high-value diagnostic tests. If you required quick and competent medical care due to an accident or a likely disease or you wished to undergo a screening test and you have medical care supplementary insurance then contact our care management partner (Teladoc Hungary Kft., telephone: +36-1-461-1555, available on working days between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.). After reporting your claim to our partner, they will make an appointment for you for the required health care services. In addition to the health care, you can also use our Allianz Medical Call Center services.
Teladoc Hungary Kft.
H-1092 Budapest, Köztelek u. 6. (Building I, Floor 1)
The advice included in our over 100-page customised guide, which is prepared on the basis of a genetics sample, will tell you
the best lifestyle and life conduct to stay healthy,
which foodstuffs to eat primarily and which ones to avoid,
which type of sports is ideal for your body,
which health risks you should pay attention to and how you could avoid them.
Our Genetics+ supplementary health insurance also ensures the opportunity of getting a second medical opinion.
If you are diagnosed with a serious disease and you had doubts regarding the necessity of some of the planned medical interventions or treatments, you can get a second medical opinion using our services. A reputed medical expert with a high level of professional experience will prepare the expert report and opinion based on your already available medical records.)
In addition to the above benefits, you can also use our Allianz Medical Call Center service.
Supplementary insurance coverages: to whom do we recommend them and for what are they available?
About the Babaváró Life Programs:
Available on forint or euro basis.
Provides protection for little ones, as well as security for the family
Long-term saving as well as an ideal short-term investment
To whom do we recommend it?
The Allianz Babaváró Life Programs (on forint or euro basis) primarily help to prepare for the birth of a baby and the unforeseeable events in his or her life, as well as provide protection and long-term financial security for the family.
What do we provide for you?
Long-term saving
an offer with one of the best cost structures on the insurance market; transparent solutions, the possibility of unlimited free switches,
17+6 asset funds, 2 currency options so that everybody can find an investment opportunity that fits his/ her risk appetite
yield-monitoring services.
Short-term investment
interest tax-free insurance benefit at the birth of the baby,
an ideal opportunity to save birth and newborn-related costs, primarily by top-up payments
For the security of the parents
12 different insurance coverages; during the “adventures”, we would recommend accident insurance products; life and health insurance protection could be opted for later on:
the premiums are proportionate to the risk and are adjusted to a young family’s ability to pay; insurance coverages can always be flexibly changed.
Special protection for small children, security for the family
If the foetus or the newborn has a disorder that is either diagnosed before birth or congenital, the severity-dependent insured sum is paid, even in foetal age,
we provide support even in the event of unexpected tragedies (death of the foetus or baby up to 2 years of age).
Further advantages
no risk assessment*, no health questionnaire is required,
no age limit at contract conclusion,
the entire fee of the Babaváró coverage is deducted for thee years, then the fee becomes minimal,
we insure all children without extra fee in the case of twins,
As part of our Allianz Medical Call Center services, qualified doctors answer your questions and provide advice on the phone and the internet.
competitive fees in the Life Program contract.
Surveys show that almost half the Hungarian population has already come, either personally or through a close relative, into contact with cancerous diseases, and another 22% have already met it in an acquaintance.
Given the figures, it is not a surprise that, among the serious diseases, the majority of people are most afraid of cancerous diseases, and they regard immediate access to competent assistance as most important in the case of this disease type.
Sadly, Hungary has the highest mortality rate from cancerous diseases among European and OECD Member States.*
Allianz regards being able to provide comprehensive, quick and competent assistance for its clients in the fight against this disease as especially important.
*Source: Profitline 2013.06.13., WHO, globocan 2012, OECD Cancer Care, 2013
What benefits do the supplementary health insurance for cancer diagnostics and medical patient guidance include?
If the doctor orders further specialist or diagnostic tests because of a suspected cancerous disease, we provide the following services for our clients by relying on our partner, Onkomplex Kft.
Firstly, at a health assessment consultation and, based on specialist tests, our partner determines any further tests, expert and medical consultations necessary for the quick and comprehensive examination of the insured person.
Through complex and guided tumor diagnostics, we ensure the quick and comprehensive organisation and performance of state-of-the-art diagnostic tests that are medically relevant for the tumor type in question, as well as the opinion and treatment proposal of the specialist team determined by the provider based on the test results. During the entire process, we provide competent, continuous medical patient guidance and medical consultations if necessary, as well as detailed information and practical lifestyle advice.
Through the medical patient guidance services, we can provide competent, continuous medical patient guidance and medical consultations if necessary, as well as detailed information and practical lifestyle advice during the entire process. We provide 12-hour availability on the phone on working days in case you have any question or require help.
We facilitate participation in the right clinical research program.
Take out our supplementary health insurance for your Life Program, Life Program–Euro or Care Program life insurance and secure proper care in advance for a potential serious disease!
Visit the website of Onkomplex Kft. to learn more about the services and how you can use them.
Genetics+ for a conscious lifestyle!
Would you like to know which foodstuffs, drinks or vitamins you should consume to do the most to stay healthy? Or which type of sport would best fit your body structure? Would you like to teach your child a conscious lifestyle that is best for him/her from the early years but you don’t know how to start?
Take out our Genetics+ supplementary health insurance and get your genetics (DNA) test results to know what lifestyle to choose for yourself and your children, based on your conditions!
The advice included in our over 100 page-long customised guide, which is prepared on the basis of a genetics sample will tell you
the best lifestyle and life conduct to stay healthy,
which foodstuffs to eat primarily and which ones to avoid,
which type of sports is ideal for your body,
which health risks you should pay attention to and how you could avoid them.
In our leaflet you can read more about the benefits of Genetics+.
What benefits does Genetics+ include?
Our Genetics+ supplementary health insurance also ensures the opportunity of getting a second medical opinion.
If you are diagnosed with a serious disease and you had doubts regarding the necessity of some of the planned medical interventions or treatments, you can get a second medical opinion using our services. A reputed medical expert with a high level of professional experience will prepare the expert report and opinion, based on your already available medical records.
Take out our Genetics+ supplementary health insurance for a Life Program or Life Program—Euro life insurance and stay healthy by choosing the lifestyle that is best for your body!
Prepare your child as best as possible for a healthy lifestyle. Take out a Life Program or Life Program—Euro insurance for him/her and choose our Genetics+ supplementary health insurance!
Do you already have Genetics+ insurance?
If you are already our client and have any question regarding the genetics analysis provided by the Genetics+ supplementary health insurance, our partner’s staff will be happy to assist you via the following contact points:
Email address: [email protected]
Telephone number: +36 1 550 73 10 (available on working days between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.)
The genetics provider and other service providers are entitled to handle the data specified in the terms and conditions to the extent and for the duration necessary for providing the services until the termination of the provision of the services in compliance with ACT XLVII of 1997 on the Processing and Protection of Medical and Other Related Personal Data. Cooperating partners of the genetics provider:
TATAA Biocenter AB, Göteborg
Odinsgatan 28, 411 03 Göteborg, Sweden
Cerovski Print Boutique
Zavrtnica 17, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
How can you modify your insurance coverage?
Via the Allianz Client Portal: if you have a Client Portal contract then you can easily modify the sums insured, the insurance coverage and you can also extend the insurance protection to a person important to you.
With regard to contracts concluded after 31 December 2016, the chosen insurance coverage can be modified, or the contract can be extended to a new insured person, from the second year of the insurance period.
You don’t have a Client Portal account yet? Contact your insurance intermediary or visit an Allianz client relations office, where our colleagues will be at your disposal.

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