How can you align our products to your needs in all life situations?
As regards your savings, you may
- choose new funds for your investments anytime
- make profitable investments with higher single amounts anytime, too.
- invest your top-up and regular savings into different funds.
As regards your insurance policies, you may
- extend the insurance protection to a person important to you,
- change the insurance protection according to your current life situation,
- increase or decrease the insured sums,
according to the relevant contract terms and conditions.
How can you modify your contract according to your needs?
If you wish to invest a larger single amount (even for a shorter term)...
If you wish to change the insurance protection...
If you want to transform your existing investments...
If you wish to put your future investments into other asset funds...
If you wanted to make your investment even more efficient...
If you decide to suspend premium payment temporarily...
If you would permanently cease paying your premiums...
If you require a greater amount...
If you need money for a few months...
If you wish to invest a larger single amount (even for a shorter term)...
You can invest top-up amounts on top of the regular premium. In the statement below, you may determine the amount you wish to invest and the asset fund in which to invest it. Please keep in mind that our products offer a competitive option to invest irregularly, generating funds even in a shorter term.
Statements for top-up payments:
If you wish to change the insurance protection...
Using this statement, you can give four types of orders:
In the case of Life Programs and Life Programs—EUR, you can make these orders anytime—for most supplementary insurance coverage in terms of contracts concluded before 31 December 2016. In the case of contracts concluded after 31 December 2016, you may initiate insurance protection-related modifications from the second year of the term.
Statements for supplementary insurance products:
If you want to transform your existing investments...
If you wanted to make your investment even more efficient...
If you wish that your investments always develop, despite the constant price changes, according to the investment policy set by you for the paid premiums then you can request the continuous revision and adjustment of the relative proportions of the asset funds you specified.
Within the scope of the Yield-monitoring services, we send you a mobile text and/or email notification if the price(s) of the asset fund(s) selected by you change, and we perform an automatic switch to make our investments more secure.
Statement for changing the investment strategy:
If you decide to suspend premium payment temporarily...
In the case of contracts concluded before 31 December 2016, you may request the suspension as well as the restoration of the premium payment of your contract. This option could be of great assistance in overcoming a situation in which you are not in the position to pay your premiums.
Statements for premium payment suspension:
If you would permanently cease paying your premiums...
How can you modify your insurance coverage?
Via the Allianz Client Portal: if you have a Client Portal contract then you can easily modify the sums insured, the insurance coverage and you can also extend the insurance protection to a person important to you.
With regard to contracts concluded after 31 December 2016, the chosen insurance coverage can be modified, or the contract can be extended to a new insured person, from the second year of the insurance period.
You don’t have a Client Portal account yet? Contact your insurance intermediary or visit an Allianz client relations office, where our colleagues will be at your disposal.

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