Standard: For the security of life
Vision: For the dreams of the young family
Junior—For our child
Zenit—For the goals of the middle-aged
Ambition - For entrepreneurs
Second bastion - For a more comprehensive protection
Standard: For the security of life
To whom do we recommend it?
This package is recommended for clients who are basically interested in ensuring the profitability of their investments. For them, insurance protection supports the achievement of goals if tragedy happens.
What is included in the package?
Life insurance with a coverage of HUF 200,000
Accidental death with a coverage of HUF 200,000
Vision: For the dreams of the young family
To whom do we recommend it?
The Vision package offers ideal protection for people who are about to establish their family, and young married couples who are working on the establishment of their future together in the early stages of having a family. One needs to make a lot of important decisions in this life situation. Having a child or buying an apartment are serious decisions and may not be a matter of chance. By choosing the Vision package, you buy your peace of mind regarding your and your family’s future.
What is included in the package?
Life insurance: HUF 200,000
Accidental death: HUF 200,000
Accidental disability: HUF 200,000
Critical illness: HUF 100,000
Surgery benefit: HUF 10,000
Junior—For our child
To whom do we recommend it?
The child is the centre of attention in every family. If there is an illness, every family member has his/ her health and fastest recovery at heart. The Junior package takes into account the fact that the threats small children are exposed to are different from those adults are exposed to and the protection it provides corresponds to that. If you want to make sure of the security of your child, you will choose the Junior package for your Life Program.
What does the package cover?
Life insurance: HUF 100,000
Accidental death: HUF 100,000
Accidental disability: HUF 200,000
Surgery benefit: HUF 10,000
Zenit—For the goals of the middle-aged
To whom do we recommend it?
At this age, one must increasingly focus on health risks in their insurance protection. Additionally, your children and grandchildren also expect your help. If you want to manage that, the Zenit package is for you.
What is included in the package?
Life insurance: HUF 200,000
Accidental death: HUF 200,000
Accidental disability: HUF 200,000
Critical illness: HUF 100,000
Surgery benefit: HUF 10,000
Ambition - For entrepreneurs
To whom do we recommend it?
Entrepreneurs usually live at a faster pace. They are heavily responsible for the existence of their businesses and the happiness of their families. If you are an entrepreneur then you require special protection that protects your family in case of tragedy but also contributes to your return to work a.s.a.p. if you fall ill. The extended protection of Ambition responds to these needs.
What does the package cover?
Life insurance: HUF 500,000
Accidental death: HUF 500,000
Accidental disability: HUF 200,000
Critical diseases: HUF 100,000
Disability: HUF 500,000
Second bastion - For a more comprehensive protection
To whom do we recommend it?
If you already have life insurance but think that it does not fit your life situation or the requirements of age, then our Second Bastion package is for you as it completes care.
What does the package cover?
Accidental disability: HUF 200,000
Critical diseases: HUF 100,000
Disability: HUF 200,000
How can you modify your insurance coverage?
Via the Allianz Client Portal: if you have a Client Portal contract, then you can easily modify the insured sums, the insurance coverage and you can also extend the insurance protection to a person important to you.
With regard to contracts concluded after 31 December 2016, the chosen insurance coverage can be modified, or the contract can be extended to a new insured person, from the second year of the insurance period.
You don’t have a Client Portal account yet? Contact your insurance intermediary or visit an Allianz client relations office, where our colleagues will be at your disposal.

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