Asset funds available within the context of the Life Programs, the Life Programs—Euro and the Care Programs
Our financial consultants assess your needs and devise a solution plan for the investment instruments to realise your ideas. The planning takes into account the time available for realising the goal, the level of risk you consider acceptable and your yield expectations.
We offer multiple customisable asset funds that include all common fund types.
Life Programs
Life Programs - Euro
Care Programs
The Fund invests primarily in HUF bank deposits with a maximum maturity of 6 months. A bank's stake may not exceed 30%. In addition, the Fund may include Hungarian government securities with a maturity of less than 6 months, government-guaranteed debt securities, repurchase agreements, Hungarian corporate and credit institution bonds, Hungarian mortgage bonds and bank account money.
The Fund is considered a very low-risk investment with a high probability of achieving positive returns even in the short term.
The Fund invests primarily in government bonds with a maturity and debt securities guaranteed by the Hungarian government where the investment policy (positive expected return) is achievable. The portfolio may also include bank deposits, repo transactions, Hungarian corporate and credit institution bonds, Hungarian mortgage bonds and bank account money.
The insurer does not provide any capital or yield guarantee for the Fund.
The Fund is considered a low-risk investment.
The Fund invests primarily in equities listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange with high liquidity and good growth prospects, with a view to diversifying the portfolio appropriately to reduce risk.
Over the medium term, the objective of the Fund is to provide a return above the benchmark stock market index (BUX) and above the return on bond investments.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment, which means that the price of the units in the Fund may fall in the short and medium term.
The Fund invests primarily in government bonds issued and/or guaranteed by the Hungarian State. In addition, the Fund may also include bonds issued by some Hungarian companies with particularly good financial ratings or by Hungarian subsidiaries of foreign companies, bonds issued by credit institutions and mortgage bonds.
The Fund is a low-risk, safe long-term investment.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return in excess of medium-term government bond investments (over one year) over the medium term.
The Fund invests primarily in euro-denominated government bonds issued by European countries, as well as corporate bonds, bonds issued by credit institutions and mortgage bonds.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return above the average return of the euro bond market by investing primarily in euro-denominated bonds.
The Fund is considered a low-risk investment over the long term. However, due to the longer average maturity of the Fund, the risk of the Fund is higher than that of Funds investing in shorter maturity securities and the price of the units of the Fund may fall in the short term.
The aim of the Fund is to achieve a return above the euro bond market average by investing mainly in euro-denominated bonds.
The Fund invests primarily in euro-denominated government bonds issued by European countries, as well as corporate bonds, bonds issued by credit institutions and mortgage bonds.
The Fund is considered a low-risk investment over the long term. However, due to the longer average maturity of the Fund, the risk of the Fund is higher than that of Funds investing in shorter-dated securities, and the price of the units of the Fund may fall in the short term.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return in line with market returns by offering a low-risk investment opportunity.
The Fund achieves this objective by investing in investment grade euro bonds, primarily short and medium term. Longer maturity assets may be included provided that their characteristics are consistent with the nature of the portfolio.
The Fund is considered a low-risk investment with a high probability of achieving positive returns already in the medium term.
The Fund invests in equities of highly liquid companies listed on stock exchanges in the euro area with good growth potential, with a view to diversification across sectors.
Over the medium term, the objective of the Fund is to achieve a return above the benchmark index of equities of comparable companies (EURO STOXX 50) by investing in equities of high performing eurozone companies.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment given the occasional large price movements that characterise the equity market. For this reason, the price of Fund units may fall in the short and medium term. However, the higher risk is accompanied by the possibility of achieving significantly higher returns than safe forms of investment.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return over the medium term above the benchmark index of equities of comparable companies (EURO STOXX 50) by investing in equities of high performing eurozone companies.
The Fund invests in equities of highly liquid companies with good growth potential listed on stock exchanges in the euro area, with a view to diversification across sectors.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment given the occasional large price movements that characterise the equity market.
The Fund is primarily composed of highly liquid equities listed on the world's major stock exchanges (New York, London, Hong Kong, Shanghai, etc.). The manager selects the stocks in the Fund with a view to geographical and sector diversification.
The objective of the Fund is to invest in stocks of companies with superior performance and high growth potential in the world's major developed and emerging economies, with the aim of achieving a return over the medium term that is higher than the benchmark index (MSCI World Index), which is representative of the combined movements of the world equity markets.
Even with a high degree of diversification, the Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment, given the occasional large price movements that characterise equity markets. For this reason, the price of VRE units may fall in the short and medium term. However, the higher risk is accompanied by the potential to achieve significantly higher returns than safe forms of investment.
The Fund is primarily composed of highly liquid equities listed on the world's major stock exchanges (New York, London, Hong Kong, Shanghai, etc.). The manager selects the stocks in the Fund with a view to geographical and sector diversification.
The objective of the Fund is to invest in stocks of companies with superior performance and high growth potential in the world's major developed and emerging economies, with the aim of achieving a return over the medium term that is higher than the benchmark index (MSCI World Index), which is representative of the combined movements of the world equity markets.
Even with a high degree of diversification, the Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment, given the occasional large price movements that characterise equity markets. For this reason, the price of VRE units may fall in the short and medium term. However, the higher risk is accompanied by the potential to achieve significantly higher returns than safe forms of investment.
The Fund may invest in equities of major companies in Central and Eastern European countries, as well as in equities of strategically important companies in Russia, subject to liquidity and diversification requirements.
The objective of the Fund is to seek returns above those available in developed equity markets by exploiting the growth potential of Central and Eastern European companies and the Russian economy.
Given the economic and political uncertainties arising from the specificities of emerging economies, the Fund is considered a high risk investment.
The Fund seeks to generate returns by investing in shares of companies involved in the mining and production of energy resources and industrial and precious metals, and in the development of the technologies required to produce them.
The Fund does not reach the level of diversification of traditional equity Funds, as the majority of its investments are in a narrow sector of the economy. In view of this and the sometimes significant price movements in equity markets, the Fund is considered a high risk investment.
In addition, over the long term, it is expected to generate returns above those of traditional diversified equity funds targeting developed markets.
The Fund invests mainly in equities of companies active in the field of „green energy” (alternative energy sources, energy efficiency) and low carbon companies.
The Fund does not reach the diversification level of traditional equity funds, as the majority of its investments are in a narrow sector of the economy. Given this, and the sometimes significant price movements in equity markets, the Fund is considered a medium-high risk investment.
The Fund invests in equities of companies that are in line with the strategy outlined, primarily in the healthcare, financial services, extractive and manufacturing sectors.
The Fund seeks to generate returns by investing in companies that are expected to benefit most from the increased ageing prospects in developed countries and from global economic trends resulting from population growth and social change in developing countries.
The Fund does not reach the diversification level of a traditional equity fund, as the majority of its investments are in a narrower sector of the economy. In view of this, and the sometimes significant price movements on equity markets, the Fund is considered a medium-high risk investment.
The objective of the Fund is to seek high returns over the long term by investing in equities of companies with a sustainable growth business model in global equity markets.
The Manager selects stocks of companies committed to sustainable economic development, i.e. the long-term preservation of natural resources, with a high degree of diversification across geographic and industry sectors.
Given that the Fund invests in a specific segment of the economy, the Fund is considered a medium-high risk investment. For this reason, the price of FRE units may fall in the short and medium term, sometimes very sharply.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a higher return than the expected return on investments in government securities, while assuming a higher level of risk.
In order to achieve this excess return, the Fund will buy and sell higher risk instruments, taking long and short positions in each instrument in the light of current market developments, depending on what it considers to have the potential for higher appreciation. If, however, the Asset manager does not see a good opportunity in higher risk instruments, it will invest the capital of the Fund in lower risk instruments until good buying or selling opportunities arise.
The risk of the Fund is very high.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a net change in value over the recommended investment horizon of at least the European Money Market Index (€STR Index).
The Fund will implement its investment strategy by investing in government bonds, corporate bonds and debentures with a maturity of less than three years.
The Fund is considered a very low risk investment, but its price may fall in the short and medium term.
Target date of the Fund: 1 April 2025.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return in excess of government bond yields over the long term by offering a moderate risk investment.
The composition of the investments in the Fund will be regularly adjusted prior to the date indicated in the name of the Fund (target date) in order to gradually reduce the risk of the Fund. Once the target date has been reached, no further changes will be made to the investments and the Fund may be closed.
Investment in the Fund is recommended if the savings target is to be achieved in the period 2022-2028.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment. Due to the occasional large price movements on equity markets, the price of units may fall in the short and medium term.
Target date of the Fund: 1 April 2030.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return in excess of the return on government bonds over the long term by offering a moderate risk investment.
The composition of the investments in the Fund will be regularly adjusted before the date indicated in the name of the Fund (target date) in order to gradually reduce the risk of the Fund. Once the target date has been reached, no further changes will be made to the investments and the Fund may be closed. Investment in the Fund is recommended if the savings target is to be achieved in the period 2027-2033.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment. Due to the occasional large price movements on the equity markets, the price of units may fall in the short and medium term.
Target date of the Fund: 1 April 2035.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return in excess of the return on government bonds over the long term by offering a moderate risk investment.
The composition of the investments in the Fund will be regularly adjusted prior to the date indicated in the name of the Fund (target date) in order to gradually reduce the risk of the Fund. Once the target date has been reached, no further changes will be made to the investments and the Fund may be closed. Investment in the Fund is recommended if the savings target is to be achieved in the period 2032-2038.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment. Due to the occasional large price movements on the equity markets, the price of units may fall in the short and medium term.
Target date of the Fund: 1 February 2035.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return in excess of the return on government bonds over the long term by offering a moderate risk investment.
The composition of the investments in the Fund will be regularly adjusted prior to the date indicated in the name of the Fund (target date) in order to gradually reduce the risk of the Fund.
Once the target date has been reached, no further changes will be made to the investments and the Fund may be closed. Investment in the Fund is recommended if the savings target is to be achieved in the period 2032-2038.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment. Due to the occasional large price movements in equity markets, the price of units may fall in the short and medium term.
Target date of the Fund: 1 April 2040.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return in excess of government bond yields over the long term by offering a moderate risk investment.
The composition of the investments in the Fund will be regularly adjusted before the date indicated in the name of the Fund (target date) in order to gradually reduce the risk of the Fund.
Once the target date has been reached, no further changes will be made to the investments and the Fund may be closed. Investment in the Fund is recommended if the savings target is to be achieved in the period 2037-2043.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment. Due to the occasional large price movements on equity markets, the price of units may fall in the short and medium term.
Target date of the Fund: 1 February 2040.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return in excess of the return on government bonds over the long term by offering a moderate risk investment.
The composition of the investments in the Fund will be regularly adjusted before the date indicated in the name of the Fund (target date) in order to gradually reduce the risk of the Fund.
Once the target date has been reached, no further changes will be made to the investments and the Fund may be closed. Investment in the Fund is recommended if the savings target is to be achieved in the period 2037-2043.
The Fund is considered to be a medium-low risk investment. Due to the occasional large price movements that characterise the equity markets, the price of units may fall in the short and medium term.
Target date of the Fund: 1 February 2045.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return in excess of the return on government bonds over the long term by offering a moderate risk investment.
The composition of the investments in the Fund will be regularly adjusted prior to the date indicated in the name of the Fund (target date) in order to gradually reduce the risk of the Fund. Once the target date has been reached, no further changes will be made to the investments and the Fund may be closed. Investment in the Fund is recommended if the savings target is to be achieved in the period 2042-2048.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment. Due to the occasional large price movements in equity markets, the price of units may fall in the short and medium term.
Target date of the Fund: 1 February 2045.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve returns in excess of government bond yields over the long term by offering a moderate risk investment.
The composition of the investments in the Fund will be regularly adjusted before the date indicated in the name of the Fund (target date) in order to gradually reduce the risk of the Fund.
Once the target date has been reached, no further changes will be made to the investments and the Fund may be closed. Investment in the Fund is recommended if the savings target is to be achieved in the period 2043-2048.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment. Due to the occasional large price movements on equity markets, the price of units may fall in the short and medium term.
Target date of the Fund: 1 February 2050.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return in excess of government bond yields over the long term by offering a moderate risk investment.
The composition of the investments in the Fund will be regularly adjusted before the date indicated in the name of the Fund (target date) in order to gradually reduce the risk of the Fund. Once the target date has been reached, no further changes will be made to the investments and the Fund may be closed. Investment in the Fund is recommended if the savings target is to be achieved in the period 2047-2053.
The Fund is classified as a medium-low risk investment. Due to the occasional large price movements on equity markets, the price of units may fall in the short and medium term.
Target date of the Fund: 1 February 2055.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve a return in excess of the return on government bonds over the long term by offering a moderate risk investment.
The composition of the investments in the Fund will be regularly adjusted before the date indicated in the name of the Fund (target date) in order to gradually reduce the risk of the Fund. Once the target date has been reached, no further changes will be made to the investments and the Fund may be closed. Investment in the Fund is recommended if the savings target is to be achieved in the period 2052-2058.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment. Due to the occasional large price movements on the equity markets, the price of units may fall in the short and medium term.
The Fund seeks to generate returns through a so-called "multi-asset" asset allocation strategy, mainly by allocating the investment between equity and bond instruments that are executable in line with the capital market outlook. The Fund's investment objective is to outperform a benchmark index, composed mainly of European bonds and global equities, over the medium term.
The Fund invests in a broad range of asset classes.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment which is expected to outperform the market return. As the average maturity of the Fund is longer than that of Funds investing in short-term securities, the price of units may fall in the short term.
The Fund seeks to generate returns through a so-called "multi-asset" asset allocation strategy, mainly by allocating the investment between equity and bond instruments that can be executed in line with the capital market outlook. The Fund's investment objective is to outperform a benchmark index, composed mainly of European bonds and global equities, over the medium term.
The Fund invests in a broad range of asset classes.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment which is expected to outperform the market return. As the average maturity of the Fund is longer than that of Funds investing in short-term securities, the price of units may fall in the short term.
The objective of the Fund is to achieve returns through a so-called "multi-asset" asset allocation strategy, mainly by allocating the investment between equity and bond instruments, which can be executed in line with the capital market outlook, with a predominance of equity investments. The investment objective of the Fund is to outperform a benchmark index, composed mainly of European bonds and global equities, over the medium term.
The Fund invests in a broad range of asset classes.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment which is expected to outperform the market return. As the average maturity of the Fund is longer than that of Funds investing in short-term securities, the price of units may fall in the short term.
The objective of the Fund is to generate returns through a "multi-asset" asset allocation strategy, mainly by allocating investments between equity and bond instruments, with a predominance of equity investments, in line with the capital market outlook. The investment objective of the Fund is to outperform a benchmark index, composed mainly of European bonds and global equities, over the medium term.
The Fund invests in a broad range of asset classes.
The Fund is considered a medium-low risk investment which is expected to outperform the market return. As the average maturity of the Fund is longer than that of Funds investing in short-term securities, the price of units may fall in the short term.
The objective of the asset fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation through a diversified portfolio of equity or equity-related investments in companies that are expected to benefit directly or indirectly from developments related to environmental challenges such as climate change.
The underlying fund of the fund invests in companies that are part of its own investment universe of companies offering environmental solutions and contributing to social solutions. These companies are engaged in economic activities that are considered environmentally or socially sustainable.
The Fund is considered a medium-high risk investment that is expected to generate returns above market rates of return. For this reason, the price of the units of the Fund may fall in the short and medium term.
The objective of this asset fund is to seek returns in emerging markets by investing in small, mid and large capitalization public companies in various sectors of the economy.
The underlying funds of the fund invest in a broad range of sectors (e.g. financial services, information technology, consumer staples, telecommunications) and have a global presence in emerging markets, including China, India, Taiwan and Brazil.
The fund is considered a medium-high risk investment, which is expected to deliver returns above the market return level. For this reason, the price of the units of the Fund may fall in the short to medium term.
The objective of the fund is to seek returns in emerging markets by investing in small, mid and large capitalisation public companies in different sectors of the economy.
The underlying funds of the fund invest in a broad range of sectors (e.g. financial services, information technology, consumer staples, telecommunications) and have a global presence in emerging markets, including China, India, Taiwan and Brazil.
The fund is considered a medium-high risk investment, which is expected to deliver returns above the market return level. As a result, the price of the units of the Fund may fall in the short to medium term.
The objective of the fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation through a diversified portfolio of equity or equity-related investments in companies that are expected to benefit directly or indirectly from developments related to environmental challenges such as climate change.
The underlying fund of the fund invests in companies that are part of its own investment universe of companies offering environmental solutions and contributing to social solutions. These companies are engaged in economic activities that are considered environmentally or socially sustainable.
The Fund is considered a medium-high risk investment that is expected to generate returns above market rates of return. For this reason, the price of the units of the Fund may fall in the short and medium term.
Investment strategies
Our yield-monitoring services monitor the movements of the prices of the asset funds available with the contract and sends you a notification if the conditions you have set apply.
You can set whether you wanted to be notified of the percentage changes on the extent of price changes or you can set a specific minimum or maximum level and receive notification if the asset fund reaches that level. In order to react quickly to price changes, automatic conversion while monitoring negative price changes is also an option, which, once the threshold is reached, orders conversion to switch the units of the asset fund into a secure asset fund to protect your investments.
The Yield-monitoring services can also notify you of price increases so that you can decide on the best investment opportunities for you.
How can you change your investments?
You can do that easily on our Client Portal interface if you have a Client Portal contract. We implement your investment conversion (switch) request free of charge.
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